- 現在你想認真進行任何運動都得有健康的體魄。
You have to be in condition to play any sport seriously these days.
- 健全的體魄是心靈的客舍;病弱的身體是心靈的牢獄。
A healthy body in the guest-chamber of soul; a sick, its prison
- 體魄強健
be physically strong; have a strong constitution
- 健全的精神寓於健康的體魄。
A healthy mind is in a healthy body
- 健康的體魄和幸福的生活的完美結合。
an attractive combination of good health and happiness.
- 當然了,眾所周知一個健康的體魄會有更長的壽命。
Of course, a healthy way of life is well known to prolong existence.
- 體魄健全勝金冠。
A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold
- 一位奧林匹克運動員不但要有強健的體魄,而且要有良好的心理素質。
An Olympic athlete must be strong not only in body, ut also in mind.