字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>體現的英文翻譯 “體現”的日文翻譯


拼音:tǐ xiàn


embody; incarnate; materialize; reflect; impersonate; in the person of
【法】 impersonate


某種性質或現象通過某一事物具體表現出來這幅油畫體現了畫家對大自然的熱愛在這個人身... >>查看“體現”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 伊莉莎白與達西的結合體現了奧斯丁的婚戀理想。
    The ideal pattern is that of Elizabeth and Darcy.
  2. 動態感在繪畫、雕刻和設計中動態的體現或感覺
    The suggestion or illusion of motion in a painting, sculpture, or design
  3. 體現優雅而又不失女孩氣的可愛性格。
    It is both elegant and lovely.
  4. 理想的理想的,與理想有關的或體現某一理想的
    Of, relating to, or embodying an ideal.
  5. 本品包裝體現了設計新穎和風格多樣的特色。
    The packaging of the article features novel design and diversified styles.
  6. 他的英雄事跡體現了人民解放軍的光榮傳統。
    His heroic deeds bodied forth the glorious tradition of the PLA.
  7. PAN ATLANTIC訴PINE TOP一案中體現的海上保險法最大誠信原則
    Principle of Utmost Good Faith Reflected in PAN ATLANTIC v.PINE TOP
  8. 試論書面商業廣告英文中AIDA原則體現方式
    How to Meet the AIDA Requirements in Written English Business Ads
