booth; in the middle; kiosk中文解釋:
亭 tíng 有頂無牆,供休息用的建築物,多建築在路旁或花園裡;涼亭。牡丹亭。...>>查看“亭”在國語字典中的解釋
- 票亭只有一個,所以大排長龍。There was a long line of people at the only ticket booth
- 廣告亭張貼廣告用的圓筒形物A cylindrical structure on which advertisements are posted
- 售票亭A ticket booth
- 象亭子的;多葉的和多蔭的。like a bower; leafy and shady
- 湯亭亭作品中的文化身份問題探討On the cultural identity in the writings of Maxine Hong Kingston
- 牡 丹 亭mu dan ting
- 涼亭小型的開敞的涼亭或帳篷形物A small open gazebo or pavilion
- 華亭煤純氧-水蒸汽地下氣化模型試驗研究UCG model test of Huating coal with oxygen-steam as gasification agent