拼音:tiào shuǐ 英文解釋:
dive; diving; plunge
(1) ∶水上運動項目之一,運動員從跳板或跳台上跳入水中,身體在空中作出複雜優美... >>
查看“跳水”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
divingcompetition 2.
plunge 例句:
- 你肯定不會跳水,是不是?
I bet you can't dive, can you?
- 多么優美的跳水!
What a beautiful dive!
- 跳水時手臂迅速前伸。
Throw your arms out in front of you as you dive.
- 為了你的安全,請不要跳水。
For your security, no diving!
- 精彩地表演鐮刀式跳水的高個跳水運動員
A high diver who excelled in performing the jackknife
- 游泳者用來跳水的有彈性的板子。
a springboard from which swimmers can dive
- 廣東汕頭跳水游泳館暖通空調設計
The HVAC Design of Shantou Plunge and Natatorium
- 她對於跳水的態度很明智,從不操之過急。
She has a sane attitude towards diving and never goes too fast