拼音:tiào dòng英文解釋:
pulsate; flounce; jump; move up and down; beat; palpitation; pulse【計】 jitter
【醫】 subsultus
(1) ∶以可以感知地一起一伏地動心臟跳動(2) ∶使作上下或前後的急動跳動的篝... >>查看“跳動”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.jumpiness 2.jumpcut 3.pulsation 4.palpitation 5.tittup 6.throb 7.jump 8.pound 9.pulse 10.hopping 11.bounce 12.jitterbug 13.palpitate 14.jumping 15.kick 16.beating中英例句:
- 她的心臟還在跳動。Her heart was still beating.
- 他心臟停止了跳動,隨即死亡。His heart stopped beating and he died soon afterwards.
- 心搏一次完整的心臟跳動A single complete pulsation of the heart.
- 慢慢踩放離合器踏板,否則汽車就會猛烈向前跳動。Let in the clutch slowly and quietly or it would jump forward sharply.