拼音:tiān guó英文解釋:
the land of the leal【法】 celestial city
(1) ∶基督教稱一切服從上帝的無形的人類社會(2) ∶天堂;比喻理想世界(3)... >>查看“天國”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.kingdomcome 2.sky 3.Canaan 4.heaven 5.kingdomofGod 6.kingdomofGodheaven例句:
- 牧師敦促人們就自己的罪惡懺悔,因為天國已經臨近。The priest urged the people to repent of their wickedness, for the kingdom of heaven was near.
- 我發誓,這陣大風不停息我是不會再寫了。不然我們要被吹到天國里去。And no more shall I write I swear until this gale is blown out, or we are blown to kingdom-come.
- 他們無望進入天國。They had no hope of admission to the celestial kingdom.
- 通向天國之路the road to eternal bliss
- 珍珠之門(天國的門)The Pearly Gates, ie the gates of Heaven
- 太平天國起義起源於廣西。The TaiPing Rebellion took its rise in the province of Guangxi.
- 太平天國壁畫paintings of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
- 天國的天國的或與其有關的;天國的Of or relating to the firmament; celestial.