字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>替的英文翻譯 “替”的日文翻譯



on behalf of; replace; take the place of


替 tì 代,代理:代替。更(g卬g )替。。替班。替身。替罪羊。 為,給:替...


  1. 個人組別的比賽不可使用代的選手。
    No contestant may be replaced by another in an individual title match.
  2. 我們需要一個人接辭職的秘書。
    We need a replacement for the secretary.
  3. 應該處處國家構想。
    We should always take the interests of the country into consideration.
  4. 被雇來一著名的官員代筆寫自傳
    Was hired to ghost the memoirs of a famous executive.
  5. 艾莉斯是暫代休假工人的工。
    Alice is a fillin for workers on vacation.
  6. 通常用同一性質的東西去換另一個。
    exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category.
  7. 如果你不能去, 我你去。
    If you can't go, I will go instead.
  8. 要我你倒杯茶嗎?
    Shall I pour you out a cup of tea
