拼音:táo zhī yāo yāo 英文解釋:
decamp; run away; show a clean pair of heels中文解釋:
由《詩·周南·桃夭》中的“桃之夭夭&rd... >>
查看“逃之夭夭”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 他買通看守而逃之夭夭了。
He bribed his way past the guard and escaped.
- 聽到他逃之夭夭的訊息,我感到驚訝。
I was astonished at the news of his escape.
- 小偷被逮住了,但他的同夥卻逃之夭夭。
The thief was arrested, but his confederate escaped.
- 小偷一把抓起錢,逃之夭夭。
The thief caught up the money and ran away.
- 那一家子在拂曉前就已逃之夭夭了。
The whole family had done a bunk before dawn
- 聽到他逃之夭夭的訊息,我感到驚訝。
I was astonished at the news of his escape.
- 他逃之夭夭,留下他妻子為他的賭債發愁。
He took a powder and left his wife to worry about his gambling debts.
- 他已經逃之夭夭,你永遠抓不住他。
He has clean escaped, you will never drop salt on his tail.