拼音:tán tǔ 英文解釋:
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查看“談吐”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 盧克樸實而不矜持的作風以及討人喜歡的談吐使得人們都很愉快。
Luke's homely, unpretending style, and his pleasing address catch the ear of the people.
- 彬彬有禮和談吐得體是文雅的標誌。
Good manners and correct speech are marks of refinement.
- 他談吐很好,但文筆不行。
He talks well, but his write is not up to much.
- 我覺得你風采迷人,談吐高雅。
I find you presence engaging and your conversation sparking.
- 他的幽默談吐讓講課變得很輕鬆。
His humorous address catch the ear of the people.
- 一位談吐流利的人
a man of pleasing address
- 他的舉止非常具有感染力,有禮貌,風度翩翩,談吐優美。
He has a very smooth manner,polite,interesting and a good talker
- 他的談吐則說明他的友好態度和能力;
His manner of speaking suggests his friendliness and competence.