字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>談判的英文翻譯 “談判”的日文翻譯


拼音:tán pàn


negotiate; palaver; parley; transact; treaty
【經】 negotiate; negotiation


有關方面在一起相互通報或協商以便對某重大問題找出解決辦法,或通過討論對某事取得某... >>查看“談判”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.negotiate  2.negotiating  3.negotiateabout  4.palaver  5.treaty  6.parley  7.treat  8.transact  9.parle  10.imparlance  11.talks  12.conferences  13.negotiations  


  1. 我們都譴責工會破壞談判
    We all accused the union of torpedoing the negotiation.
  2. 我們決定就工資問題與僱主談判
    We've decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.
  3. 他們的談判簡直就是一場荒唐的笑劇,因為他們的領導們早就作出決定了。
    Their negotiations were a farce since their leaders had already made the decision.
  4. 在勞資集體談判制度下,工人作為一個團體同公司經理進行談判。
    In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company.
  5. 我們贏得了契約,但是卻經過了多次不屈不撓的談判才達到目的。
    We won the contract but only through a lot of tough negotiating.
  6. 談判正處於一個關鍵的階段。
    Negotiations were at a crucial stage.
  7. 他的談判技巧使他贏得了精明戰略家的名聲。
    His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd tactician.
  8. 資方和工會的談判失敗了。
    Talks between management and unions have collapsed.
