拼音:tán huà英文解釋:
conversation; speech; statement; converse; discourse; speak; talk【經】 talk
(1) ∶彼此的對談我同她的家長作過數次談話(2) ∶事實、意見、問題等的陳述發... >>查看“談話”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.jerkchinmusic 2.speech 3.speaking 4.parlance 5.visit 6.word 7.discourse 8.dialogize 9.colloquy 10.rapto 11.talkto 12.haveatalk 13.buck 14.speak 15.palaver 16.yabber相關對話:
- 和她談話是一種樂趣。It is a pleasure to converse with her.
- 我在談話中當然會十分小心的。I'll certainly be most discreet in my conversation.
- 他的談話有風趣。His conversation is spiced with humor.
- 先讓我烤烤火暖和一下,然後我們開始談話。Just give me a minute to thaw out in front of the fire, then we can talk.
- 他的關於種族隔離的談話激起了騷動。His talk about apartheid created agitation.
- 樂隊的演奏聲把我們談話的聲音淹沒了。The band drowned our conversation.
- 我傾聽他們的談話。I listened to their conversation.