拼音:suí shí 英文解釋:
at any moment
(1) ∶不論何時有什麼問題可以隨時去問他(2) ∶指順應時勢隨時以行 >>
查看“隨時”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
atanymoment 2.
whenever 3.
Anytime 4.
atallhours 5.
anyminute 6.
atalltime 7.
fromtimetotime 8.
alway 9.
atthedropofthehat 10.
atthedropofahat 11.
hourly 中英例句:
- 那女孩隨時都準備著去參加聚會。
The girl is ready at all times to go to parties.
- 士兵們隨時準備粉碎敵人的進攻。
The soldiers are ready at all times to smash the enemy's attacks.
- 銀行隨時兌換見票即付的匯票。
The bank receives drafts payable at sight at any time.
- 隨時來走走。
Come by anytime.
- 他可能隨時會到。
He is likely to arrive at any time.
- 我們的音樂俱樂部隨時歡迎新會員參加。
New recruits to our music club are always welcome.
- 歡迎你隨時到我們家。
You are always welcome to our house.
- 活火山隨時可能噴發。
An active volcano may erupt at any time.