字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>隨身的英文翻譯 “隨身”的日文翻譯


拼音:suí shēn


take with


帶在身邊;跟在身旁隨身攜帶 >>查看“隨身”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 旅客上飛機隨身只能攜帶最少量的行李。
    Passengers may only take aboard the aircraft a minimum of hand luggage.
  2. 事實上我已將它隨身帶來了。
    As a matter of fact, I've brought it along with me.
  3. 那位老人總是隨身帶著一架小收音機。
    The old man always have a small radio on his person
  4. 這個外國客人隨身攜帶執照。
    The foreign guest has a license on the person
  5. 我喜歡音樂,我也喜歡這個隨身聽。
    I like music, and I like this walkman, too.
  6. 一種孩子為了減少不安而隨身攜帶的毯子或玩具。
    a blanket (or toy) that a child carries around in order to reduce anxiety
  7. 我一次航班可以隨身攜帶多少公斤行李?
    How many kilogrammes of luggage can I carry with me for a flight?
