拼音:suí jiào suí dào英文解釋:
within call例句:
- 我隨叫隨到。I'm on call.
- 瑪麗對母親總是隨叫隨到。Mary is always within call of her mother.
- 比爾安排這人隨叫隨到。Bill arranged for this man to come whenever needed.
- 謝謝你從第一天起,就是我的專職私人司機,隨叫隨到。Thank you for being my full-time,on-call,personal chauffeur from day one.
- 瑪麗對母親總是隨叫隨到。Mary is always within call of her mother
- 不論什麼時候劉醫生隨叫隨到。Doctor Liu is on call at all times.
- 此行我還認識到旅館或飯店配備有隨叫隨到的醫生和牙醫的重要性。I also learned about the importance of having a doctor and dentist on call.