字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>隨時準備的英文翻譯


拼音:suí shí zhǔn bèi


【法】 semper paratus


  1. 因此,當契約一年期滿後,你應該隨時準備和商家做一筆新的交易。
    Be prepared to try and make a deal when your 12 months are up.
  2. 他是一個好鬥的人,隨時準備打架
    He is an aggressive person and always ready to a fight
  3. 隨時準備為大家的利益而犧牲自身利益。
    He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest to public good .
  4. 面對危險時,我們必須保持警覺,並隨時準備行動。
    When faced with danger, we must be alert and ready for action.
  5. 隨時準備著(做)
    be poised to
  6. 飛行時事務長通常隨時準備幫助旅客。
    The purser is always ready to help passengers during a flight
  7. 處於守勢隨時準備防禦或對入侵和進攻進行反擊
    Prepared to withstand or counter aggression or attack.
  8. 我們隨時準備給敵人以反擊,以其人之道還治其人之身。
    We stand ready at all times to pay any enemy back in his own coin.
