拼音:sōng xiè英文解釋:
laxation; relax; slack; slack off; take it easy【機】 slack
(1) 不緊張;鬆弛,不集中在整個危機期間,她從未鬆懈過學習鬆懈(2) 人與人... >>查看“鬆懈”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 松垮感極度興奮後的鬆懈感A letdown, as after a period of excitement
- 不過,我們不可停下腳步,鬆懈下來,期望日後會有更大成就。But we cannot afford to sit idly by and expect future success.
- 鬆懈的對危險或欺詐不敏感(或不防範)的Not alert to danger or deception.
- 使紀律鬆懈to relax discipline
- 工作狂難以抑制的和不鬆懈的需要工作的人Eg: One who has a compulsive and unrelenting need to work
- 我們的目標既然快實現了,就不能鬆懈下來。We must not let up now that we have nearly achieved our objective .
- 辛苦工作了一天, 快結束時有所鬆懈是很自然的。It's natural to slack off towards the end of a hard day's work
- 鬆懈鬥志relax one's will to fight