拼音:sǒng lì 英文解釋:
lift; spire中文解釋:
高高地矗立高大建築物的尖頂聳立在平原的上空在天安門右前方,巍然聳立著一座雄偉壯麗... >>
查看“聳立”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 連綿的小山聳立在他們的左側。
A range of hills rose on their left
- 它屹立在一塊巨大的岩石上,像高聳入雲的懸崖聳立於這個城市之中。
It stands on a huge rock, like a great cliff towering over the city.
- 透過蔥翠的樹林可以看見那聳立著的教堂的塔尖。
The spires of churches are to be seen pricking up through the greenery
- 它屹立在一塊巨大的岩石上,像高聳入雲的懸崖聳立於這個城市之中。
It stands on a huge rock, like a great cliff towering over the city
- 這房子聳立在石山山巔。
The house is perched on the top of the rocky hill.
- 摩天大樓之間聳立著一座教堂。
A church stands amid skyscrapers
- 街上那些高牆聳立的商號對她來說又是一些不可捉摸的謎。
The great streets were wall-lined mysteries to her;
- 那幢白色的房子聳立在小山上。
The white house stands on a hill.