拼音:sōng kāi英文解釋:
disentangle; disentwine; let slip; loosen; unclench; undo; unloose; unsnarluntie
【法】 unbind
(1) (2) 使鬆弛鬆開一顆螺絲(3) 使鬆散中耕機…將鬆開壓實... >>查看“鬆開”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 醫:請您鬆開衣服,好嗎?D:Would you mind slipping off your clothes?
- 如果我鬆開我的頭髮,我的頭會掉下來的。Phoebe:? If I let go of my hair, my head will fall off.
- 鬆開繩子鬆開…的繩子;鬆開To untie the lashing of; loose.
- 把一對…放開或鬆開To set loose or release from a couple.
- 用夾鉗把兩塊木板夾緊, 等膠水幹了再鬆開。Clamp the two pieces of wood together until the glue dries.
- 將這一端系在柱子上,讓另一端鬆開著。Tie this end to the pole but leave the other end free.
- 不可解脫;不能夠被解開或者鬆開。not permitting extrication; incapable of being disentangled or untied.
- 他有一顆鈕扣鬆開了。He has got a button undone