拼音:sōng dòng英文解釋:
become flexible; become less crowded; not hard up; start【醫】 mobilize
(1) ∶由於連線處不牢固而變得能夠活動塞子量器磨損了並開始鬆動(2) ∶不擁擠... >>查看“鬆動”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 我有一顆牙齒鬆動了。I have got a loose tooth.
- 我的一個牙齒鬆動了。I have a loose tooth.
- 木匠用螺絲把桌子的鬆動的木頭固定。The carpenter screwed up the joints of the table which had become loose.
- 有一根或數根弦(或線)被鬆動或取走的Having a string or strings loosened or removed.
- 300MW汽輪發電機定子鐵芯鬆動原因分析及其處理Cause Analysis and Treatment of Loosed Stator Core of a 300 MW Generator
- QFSN-600-2YH汽輪發電機定子鐵芯鬆動現場處理Field Treatment Loosened Stator Core of QFSN-600-2YH Turbo-generator
- 擰緊固定螺母1不讓線架裝置鬆動。Tighten locknut 1 to fix the thread stand.
- 我的一個牙齒鬆動了。I have a loose tooth