eulogy; extol; laud; ode; praise; song中文解釋:
頌 (頌) sòng 讚揚:頌揚。歌頌。頌詞。讚頌。頌古非今。 以頌揚為內容的...>>查看“頌”在國語字典中的解釋
- 他寫詩歌頌我們偉大的社會主義祖國。He wrote poems in praise of our great socialist motherland.
- 這位詩人為他心愛的女子寫了許多詩,歌頌她的美麗。The poet addressed many poems to his mistress, praising her beauty.
- 我在讀濟慈的“秋頌”。I am reading 'Ode to Autumn' written by Keats.
- 她最喜歡的歌是“北京頌歌”。He favorite song was called"Ode to Beijing".
- 贊頌死者的彌撒的音樂背景。a musical setting for a Mass celebrating the dead
- 五月頌歌The song of May
- 9要向他唱詩,歌頌,談論他一切奇妙的作為。Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works.
- 獨唱頌歌為一個音調或一個演員所唱的頌歌,如希臘戲劇中的獨唱頌歌An ode for one voice or actor, as in Greek drama.