拼音:sì yuàn英文翻譯
fane【法】 ecclesia
1.friary 2.wat 3.fane 4.temple 5.monastery 6.abbey 7.vihara 8.gompa例句:
- 那寺院很偏僻,卻那裡的唯一辦法就是步行。The temple is so remote that the only way to get there is on foot.
- 寺院的牆壁上刻著很多裝飾物。Many adornments were carved on the temple walls.
- 婦女被排斥於寺院之外使得她們很難過。The exclusion of women from the temple made them feel sad.
- 那個寺院里有一幅很大的壁畫。There is a large mural in the temple.