拼音:sǐ wáng英文解釋:
death; decease; demise; die; doom; end; perish; tomb【醫】 death; dysthanasia; exitus; expiration; expire; mors
喪失生命;不繼續生存一心用於肉慾,是精神上的死亡 >>查看“死亡”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.decease 2.die 3.gooutofcommission 4.died 5.demise 6.watersofforgetfulness 7.fatality 8.doom 9.thesleepthatknowsnotbreaking 10.adpatres 11.mors 12.todecease 13.perish 14.expire 15.toceasetoexist漢語造句:
- 三天之後他在自己的房間裡被發現,已瀕於死亡。He was found three days later on the edge of death in his room.
- 病人因出現併發症而死亡。Complications set in, and the patient died.
- 車禍造成很多人死亡。Car accident caused many deaths.
- 他們使傷寒病人的死亡率降低了一半,這是他們最感驕傲的事之一。It is one of their proudest boasts that they have halved the death rate from typhoid.
- 去年的出生人數大於死亡人數。Last year there were many more births than deaths.