拼音:sǐ xùn英文解釋:
news of sb.'s death中文解釋:
死了人的噩耗 >>查看“死訊”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 她的死訊真讓我傷心。The news of her death really threw me.
- 我得知他的死訊十分震驚。I was stunned by the news of his death.
- 他的死訊已電告其家屬。News of his death was cabled to his family.
- 得到她丈夫的死訊,她神經錯亂了。At the news of her husband's death, she went to pieces.
- 她父親的死訊是她愉快的一年中唯一傷心的事。The sad news of her father's death was the only cloud on an otherwise happy year.