拼音:sǐ huó 英文解釋:
anyway; fate; life and death
(1) ∶無論如何;不管怎么說哥哥勸了他一天,他死活不答應(2) ∶死亡或生存考... >>
查看“死活”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 那女售票員可能看到我在追趕公共汽車,可是她故意打鈴,讓汽車開走了——一個只顧自己,不管別人死活的典型例子。
The conductress could see I was running for the bus but she deliberately rang the bell and off it went—a typical case of I'm all right, Jack.
- 老闆從來不顧工人死活。
The boss never cared whether a worker should live or die.
- 如果婚姻是愛情的墳墓,那么渴望愛情就是不知死活了。
If marrage is the tomb of love,then eager of love is blind of life.
- 腫瘤細胞TPC─1細胞對A毒素致死活性有特殊敏感性。
TPC-1 cell line is most sensitive to cell killing activity of toxin A
- 然然人們普遍認為火星上 的火山如果說不是死活山 至少也處於休眠狀態.
though the volcanos are believed to be dormant if not extinct.
- 小男孩死活不肯去看病。
The little boy dug his heels in and refused to go to the doctor.