拼音:shù yè英文解釋:
1.nature 2.tragacanth相關對話:
- 樹液升上我的雙臂。The sap has ascended my arms.
- 樹液從樹的切口處湧出Sap flowed from the gash in the tree.
- 讓我們在樹液堅固成團之前將之收集起來。Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass.
- 無樹液或其它必需汁液的;乾燥的。destitute of sap and other vital juices; dry.
- 天氣在轉暖,槭樹的樹液在上升。The weather was warming up and the sap was rising in the maples.
- 當糖楓樹的樹液開始向外流淌時,他們便切割這些楓樹皮。They tapped the sugar maples when the sap began to flow .
- 樹液升上我的雙臂。The sap has ascended my arms.