拼音:shú lǜ 英文解釋:
deliberation; incubation
細緻、認真地考慮 >>
查看“熟慮”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
meditation 2.
meditate 3.
speculation 4.
speculate 5.
weigh 6.
think 7.
deliberate 8.
consideration 漢語造句:
- 深思熟慮以謹慎的思考為特徵的;深思熟慮的
Characterized by careful thought; deliberate.
- 你太魯莽,從來不知道深思熟慮後做事。
You are so bold that you never do something on second thought.
- 屬於或有關深思熟慮能力的。
of or relating to having capacities for cogitation.
- 愛情是本能反映與深思熟慮之間的衝突。
10 love is a conflict between reflexes and reflections
- 有深思熟慮的意圖和一定程度的計畫。
characterized by deliberate purpose and some degree of planning.
- 一般說來,青春如同最初的思想,不像深思熟慮那么飽含智慧。
Generally, youth is like the first cogitations, not so wise as the second.
- 深思熟慮,研討
Deliberate about/on/over/upon