拼音:shuāi bài 英文解釋:
at a low ebb; decline; downfall; ruin; wane中文解釋:
衰落;衰弱現在這深秋的傍晚,更是處處顯得零落衰敗的樣子。—&mdas... >>
查看“衰敗”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
atalowebb 2.
downfall 3.
decline 中英例句:
- 墮落在道德或藝術方面變壞,或衰落的過程、條件、或期間;衰敗
A process, condition, or period of deterioration or decline, as in morals or art; decay.
- 墮落者在精神或道德方面處於衰敗狀態或過程中的人
A person in a condition or process of mental or moral decay.
- 主人死了以後,生意就開始衰敗了。
After the death of the owner the business drove to the dogs.
- 政府被指責支持日益衰敗的產業。
The government was accused of propping up declining industries.
- 毀壞,破壞,毀滅引起毀壞或衰敗;損壞
To cause the ruin or downfall of; destroy.
- 驕傲導向滅亡,傲慢必衰敗。
"Pride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall"
- 陋室破舊,衰敗或骯髒的住宅
A dilapidated or unsanitary dwelling.
- 有些人說,這就是精靈最後衰敗的原因。
Some say it was their downfall.