decline; wane中文解釋:
衰 shuāi 事物發展轉向微弱:衰微。衰弱。衰老。盛(sh坣g )衰。興(x...>>查看“衰”在國語字典中的解釋
1.weak 2.wane 3.decline漢語造句:
- 歷史上各個帝國革故鼎新均有興衰。Throughout history empires have waxed and waned.
- 帝國經過全盛以後逐漸衰落。The empire was on the wane after its period of prosperity.
- 通貨膨脹是經濟衰退的徵兆嗎?Is inflation symptomatic of economic decline?
- 到這時,羅馬帝國已日益衰敗。By now the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.
- 病人太衰弱了,不能說話。The patient is too weak to speak.
- 在以後的幾年裡,他變得衰弱了。He grew weak in after years.