字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>署的英文翻譯 “署”的日文翻譯



arrange; office; sign


署 shǔ 辦理公務的機關:專署。公署。官署。 布置:部署。 簽名,題字:簽署...


  1. 工業在職業訓練局和製衣業訓練局均派有代表,參與有關工作。
    The Industry Department is represented on the VTC and the CITA.
  2. 雙方簽了合作諒解備忘錄。
    The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation.
  3. 另依據衛生合告的方法,檢驗漂白劑(二氧化硫)殘留量,結果150件檢體均未檢出。
    The residue (SO2) of Bleaching Agent was not detected in those 150 samples.
  4. 《巴黎條約》簽,克里米亞戰爭結束。
    1856 The Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Crimean War.
  5. 一種格線服務的部模型
    A model for grid service deployment
  6. 進攻開始這一天,德軍只部了不足400架飛機。
    On D-Day, the Germans only deployed fewer than 400 aircraft.
  7. 最近由原子能總所印行描述安全機制系統的小冊子。
    A recent IAEA pamphlet describing the safeguards system
  8. 在檔案上
    add one's signature to a document
