字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>樞的英文翻譯 “樞”的日文翻譯



center; hub; pivot
【醫】 Hemiptelea


樞 (樞) shū 門上的轉軸:戶樞不蠹。 重要的或中心的部分,起決定性作用的...


1.hub  2.woodyplants  3.woodyperennials  4.center(-tre)  5.ligneousplants  


  1. 指南針用於確定地理方向的設備,通常包括一個或多個水平安裝或懸掛的磁針,可在軸上自由活動直到與地球磁場在一條線上
    A device used to determine geographic direction, usually consisting of a magnetic needle or needles horizontally mounted or suspended and free to pivot until aligned with the magnetic field of Earth.
  2. 活動防浪板帆船上一活動龍骨,可以繞軸扯起以減少船在淺水的吃水深度
    A movable keel in a sailboat that can be pivoted upward to reduce the boat's draft in shallow water.
  3. 中心銷連線馬車或其它車輛的車身和它的前軸的垂直栓銷,一般起軸作用
    A vertical bolt that joins the body of a wagon or other vehicle to its front axle and usually acts as a pivot.
  4. 汽車起重機軸平衡臂吊耳的修復
    Renovation of the Ear of Crane Truck Pivot Balance Bob
  5. 炮架軸炮架轉動用的
    The pin on which a gun carriage revolves.
  6. 給…裝軸裝上或放置或提供一根或多根
    To mount on, attach by, or provide with a pivot or pivots
  7. 神經系統淋巴瘤MRI表現
    MRI of lymphoma of central nervous system
  8. 神經系統(CNS)損傷後功能恢復的理論(六)
    Theories of Functional Recovery after CNS Injuries (6)
