字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>手語的英文翻譯 “手語”的日文翻譯


拼音:shǒu yǔ


finger language; gesture language; hand language; sign language
【醫】 cheirology; chirology; dactylology; dactylophasia; gesture; maniloquism


(1) ∶聾啞人以手指字母和手勢代替語言進行交際和交流思想(2) ∶聾啞人或說不... >>查看“手語”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.fingerspeech  2.maniloquism  3.cuedspeech  4.dactylopasia  5.fingeralphabet  6.dactylophasia  7.fingerspelling  8.chirology  9.cheirology  10.dactylology  11.gesture  12.manus  


  1. 她還學了一種盲人用的手語字母,即用手指的不同位置代表字母表上不同的字母。
    She also learned a kind of alphabet for the blind, in which different finger positions stand for different letters of the alphabet.
  2. 這次講話因那些聽力受損者而譯成了手語
    The speech was interpreted in sign language for the hearing-impaired.
  3. 能用手語進行交流的人。
    someone who can use sign language to communicate.
  4. 然後計算機將手語翻譯成書面英文,並在顯示器上顯示出來。
    It then translates the signs into written English on a monitor.
  5. 手語在失語病人護理中的套用
    Application of finger language in nursing care of patients with aphasia
  6. 我們交談非常融洽,手語教學互動效果非常好。
    We had a good rapport and we got on fantastically.
  7. 然後計算機將手語翻譯成書面英文,並在顯示器上顯示出來。
    It then translates the signs into written English on a monitor
