a bunch of fives; a person doing a certain job; fist; hand; handy; hold; manusmauley; pud
【醫】 cheir-; cheiro-; chir-; chiro-; hand; main; manus
1.grappler 2.mauley 3.manus 4.mitt 5.pud 6.nieve 7.paw 8.duke 9.abunchoffives 10.treespecies 11.fist 12.Danny 13.handcrafted 14.flipper例句:
- 她把手伸到噴泉中玩水。She dabbled her hands in the fountain.
- 他悲傷地絞緊雙手。He wrung his hands in sorrow.
- 他緊握她的手。He held her hand in a firm clasp.
- 他揉搓著雙手來取暖。He rubbed his hands to keep them warm.
- 碎玻璃割傷了我的手。I cut my hand on some broken glass.
- 這女孩手巧,精於編織。The girl has a light hand for knitting.
- 學生們手牽手站成一排。Students stand hand in hand in a row.
- 我手頭正忙。I've got my hands full.