拼音:shǒu fǔ 英文解釋:
行政區域的主要城市;現在多指自治區或自治州政府所在地 >>
查看“首府”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
metropolis 2.
capital 相關對話:
- 多佛爾位於美國德拉瓦州中部的首府。建城於1683年,當時受威廉·潘管轄,1777年成為首府。人口27,630
The capital of Delaware, in the central part of the state. Founded in1683 on orders from William Penn, it became capital in1777. Population, 27,630.
- 斯普林菲爾德美國伊利諾斯州首府,在州中部。它於1837年成為州府,是亞伯拉罕·林肯墓所在地。人口105,227
The capital of Illinois, in the central part of the state. It became the state capital in1837 and is the site of Abraham Lincoln's grave. Population, 105,227.
- 法蘭克福美國肯塔基州的首府,位於本州中東部、萊剋星頓的西北部。丹尼爾·布恩於1770年首先到此,1792年此地被選作首府。人口23,968
The capital of Kentucky, in the north-central part of the state northwest of Lexington. First visited by Daniel Boone in1770, it was chosen as capital in1792. Population, 25,968.
- 奧林匹亞美國華盛頓州首府,在華盛頓州的西部,普吉特海峽的南端。1845年開始有人在此居住,1853年成為地區首府。人口33,840
The capital of Washington, in the western part of the state on the southern end of Puget Sound. Settled in1845, it became the territorial capital in1853. Population, 33,840.