字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>市議會的英文翻譯


拼音:shì yì huì


【法】 city council; common council


1.council  2.ayuntamiento  


  1. 就在我們公司要關門停業的時候,幸好市議會主動提供了款項。
    Our company was about to close when luckily the city council pitched in with an offer of money.
  2. 市議會已提議在湖中養魚,以給市民提供食用魚及供他們觀賞。
    The city council have suggested stocking the lake with fish to provide food and fun for the citizens.
  3. 我對市議會不滿,主要是投入營運的公共汽車不夠用。
    One of my main grouches against the council is that they don't run enough buses.
  4. 星期一市議會將頒布新的經費計畫。
    The city council will bring down the new spending plans on Monday.
  5. 市議會決心強化打擊犯罪的鬥爭。
    The city council is determined to toughen up the fight against crime.
  6. 市議會投票決定關閉中心主幹線以便全面修理
    The city council voted to close the central artery for extensive repairs.
  7. 市議會監督員不允許參加這個會議。
    The city council monitors were not allowed to take part in the meeting.
  8. 市長改變觀點轉而支持市議會議員們的意見。
    The Mayor faced about and supported the idea of his councillors.
