拼音:shǐ shū 英文解釋:
history; history record中文解釋:
歷史書:記錄歷史的文獻據史書記載 >>
查看“史書”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 據史書記載
according to historical records
- 史書似乎常帶有一種不真實的味道。
History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality.
- 摘要語言民族學研究提示了未載史書的泰民族女權文化的歷史。
Linguistic ethnology reveals the unrecorded history of Thai feminism.
- 他們的古老藝術就象是最初的歷史書和生活指南。
And their ancient art is like a primitive history book and guide for living
- 老師要孩子們把歷史書上的注釋抄錄下來。
The teacher asked the children to copy out notes from their history book.
- 為了寫那篇論文, 他仔細查閱了大約30冊中國曆史書。
For that article he has worked over some 30 volumes of Chinese history.
- 我有幾十本歷史書。
I have dozens of history books.
- 馬克思主義的歷史書寫站在馬克思主義立場上顛倒是非。
Marxist historiography has stood Marxism on its head.