拼音:shǐ shī 英文解釋:
epic; epopee; heroic
敘述重大歷史事件或英雄傳說的長詩音樂舞蹈史詩 >>
查看“史詩”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 對史詩有誤解的翻譯
A perverted translation of an epic poem.
- 這一事件理所當然地堪稱是國王間諜活動的的獨一無二的史詩。
The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage
- 最重要的長篇是史詩性質的《貝奧武甫》,它現存3,182行。
The most important is Beowulf, a long epic of 3,182 lines.
- 《心靈史》:輝煌壯烈的民族史詩——張承志小說論之八
A Glorious and Heroic Epic of the Nation
- 海子的浪漫主義與史詩夢想
Romanticism and Epic Dream of Haizi
- 一首英雄史詩
a heroic poem
- 這個場面具有一種強烈的史詩感。
The scene had a very epic feel to it
- 《百年孤獨》的史詩氣質
Epic Qualities of One Hundred Years of Solitude