字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>史密斯的英文翻譯


拼音:shǐ mì sī




  1. 史密斯先生正在接另一個電話,您可以稍候一下嗎?
    Mr. Smith is speaking on another telephone. Could you hold on a moment?
  2. 上周我們拜訪了史密斯一家。
    We call on the smith last week.
  3. 史密斯在一個親戚的資助下開始經商。
    Smith was set up in business by a relative.
  4. 史密斯從佛羅里達度假歸來之後立刻去了杜拜。
    Smith returned from holiday in Florida but immediately jetted off to Dubai.
  5. 史密斯小姐,在去旅館的途中,我想和你談談怎樣學英文的問題,好嗎?
    Ms. Smith , may we discuss the study of English on the way to the hotel ?
  6. 非常高興見到你,史密斯女士。
    A: Nice to see you, Mrs. Smith.
  7. 約翰·丹尼斯對史密斯先生必恭必敬。
    John Dennis was hat in hand to Mr Smith.
  8. 你好,我是約翰·布萊克。史密斯先生在嗎?
    Hello, this is John Black.May I speak to Mr.Smith?
