拼音:shǐ liào 英文解釋:
historical data; historical materials
研究歷史和編纂史書所用的資料。 沉昌直 《<柳溪竹枝詞>序》:“今觀 周子 之所... >>
查看“史料”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 史料編纂者尤指由一群人或公眾機構指定的歷史學家
A historian, especially one designated by a group or public institution
- 這些材料無所謂有什麼史料價值。
These materials can't be said to have much value as historical records.
- 檔案史料學
study of archival historical materials
- 英國歷史教學中的史料教學
Teaching of historical sources in the teaching of history in Britain
- 《檔案史料編纂學概要》
Essential Study of Archival Historical Materials Compilation
- 史料記載克利奧帕特拉籌劃了一個光榮而絢爛的謝幕。
History records that Cleopatra staged a glorious exit
- 史料編纂者尤指由一群人或公眾機構指定的歷史學家
A historian, especially one designated by a group or public institution.