拼音:shì lì英文解釋:
eyesight; seeing; sight; view; vision【醫】 opto-; sisht; vision; visus
在一定距離內眼睛辨別物體形象的能力。 葉聖陶 《倪煥之》二二:“他又構想自己是一... >>查看“視力”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.light 2.sight 3.eyesight 4.seeing 5.visualacuity 6.view 7.eye例句:
- 怎樣解決視力不好這一難題呢?How do you cope with the problem of poor vision?
- 他的視力在衰退。His sight is going.
- 黑暗會使他更加珍惜視力。Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight.
- 他的視力不好。He has poor eyesight.
- 房子在視力範圍之內。The house is within eyesight.
- 你在這樣弱的光線下看書會損傷視力的。You will strain your eyes by reading in such poor light.
- 我的眼睛檢查過了,檢查報告說我的視力非常好。I've had my eyes tested and the report says that my vision is perfect.
- 視力不佳將使你免服兵役。Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service.