employ; envoy; if; probe; send; use中文解釋:
使 shǐ 用:使用。使勁。使役。使力。使錢。 派,差譴:使喚。使命。使女。 ...>>查看“使”在國語字典中的解釋
- 阻止角的生長;使一些動物。prevent the growth of horns; of some animals.
- 他們拒絕在契約上籤字,這使我們處於困境。Their refusal to sign the contract have put us in a bind
- 榴槤的味道使我感到 噁心.The smell of durine filled me with disgust.
- 當作武器或在競爭性的田賽中使用的槍。a spear thrown as a weapon or in competitive field events
- 用魅力、美貌或優點使著迷或吸引住To attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence.
- 他的失言使得他自己十分難堪。His indiscreet remark brought him between the borns of a dilemma.
- 暴風雨沒有使房子受到損害。The storm did no damage to the houses.
- 泰絲:嗯,我希望附近所有的人都可以看見它們並使用它們.Tess: No, I want everyone in the neighborhood to see them and use them.