拼音:shēng chǎn英文翻譯
give birth to a child; manufacture; produce; yield; production; parturitionprocreation
【醫】 accouchement; birth; childbearing; childbirth; confinement; delivery
labor; parturition; partus; texis; tocus; travail
【經】 capacity; produce
1.parturition 2.production 3.produce 4.procreation 5.productiveness 6.yield 7.productional 8.putout 9.childbirth 10.turnoff 11.bringout 12.bringin 13.bear 14.labor 15.delivery 16.yean例句:
- 新制度已對生產力造成了災難性的影響。The new system has had a disastrous effect on productivity.
- 生產者與消費者之間的利益衝突將永遠存在。The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting.
- 我們工廠生產磨刀石。Our factory produces grindstone.
- 這些樹生產橡膠。This tree produces rubber.
- 這家公司大量生產汽車。This firm manufactures cars.
- 因使用不當造成的損壞,生產廠家不負任何責任。The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for the damage caused by misuse.
- 軍工廠是生產武器的工廠。Arsenals are factories that produce weapons.