拼音:shàn zì英文解釋:
do sth. without authorization; make bold to; presume【經】 without authorization
越權自作主張不得擅自改變議事日程指揮部已命李崐崗與 蟠龍鎮共存亡…... >>查看“擅自”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.makeboldto 2.presume 3.withoutleave相關對話:
- 她未請示上級擅自把所有這些請柬都發了出去。She issued all these invitations without any reference to her superiors.
- 她未請示上級擅自把所有這些請柬都發了出去。She issue all these invitation without any reference to her superior.
- 指定的正式或擅自決定的;規定的Formally or arbitrarily determined; prescribed.
- 禁止擅自銷毀檔案。Unauthorized destruction of archives shall be prohibited.
- 擅自離去或擅離職守的人。one who is away or absent without leave.
- 他控告我擅自進入他的莊園.He accused me of trespassing on his estate