拼音:shàng yuè英文翻譯
【經】 preceding month
- 我沒有購買上月的雜誌。我必須設法搞到過期的雜誌以便能及時補讀沒讀過的文章。
I didn't buy the magazine last month; I must try to get hold of a back number so that I can catch up on the articles I missed.
- 牛津上月的平均氣溫是18C。
The average temperature in Oxford last month was 18C.
- 他上月收到貨物,現在還欠著(我們)款呢。
He still owes (us) for the goods he received last month.
- 我們公司上月支出的費用比這個月多。
The fee of our company's outgo last month was much more than this month.
上月的意思 .上
弦月。 南朝 梁 劉孝綽 《餞張惠紹應令》詩:“鮮雲積上月,凍雨晦
初陽。”.前月。《紅樓夢》第二回:“我這女學生名叫 黛玉 ……可惜上月其母竟亡故了。”《二十年目睹之怪
現狀》第三二回:“ 鴻甫