字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>上告的英文翻譯 “上告”的日文翻譯


拼音:shàng gào


appeal to the higher court


(1) ∶原指向天呼籲,訴之於上帝。現指向上級機關或法務部門告狀越級上告(2) ... >>查看“上告”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 她想知道為什麼我不馬上告訴她她的電話號碼錯了。我還沒來得及回答,她就掛上了電話。
    She wanted to know why I didn't tell her right away that she had the wrong number. Before I could answer her, she hung up.
  2. 這樣的話,你該在訂單上告訴我們才是。
    In this case, you shall have tell us the requirement in your order.
  3. 我馬上告訴了她我對她的看法。
    I told her right away straight off what I thought of her.
  4. 我馬上告知收到了她的信。
    I acknowledged her letter at once.
  5. 我要上告於該撒。
    Let my cause come before Caesar.
  6. 在所有的門上都張貼上告
    Plaster notices on all the doors.
  7. 上告,為了尊嚴!(英文)
    Appeal to the Court:For Dignity!
