字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>傷心的英文翻譯 “傷心”的日文翻譯


拼音:shāng xīn


grief; grieve; smart from
【法】 stab


心裡非常痛苦別為這事傷心 >>查看“傷心”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我理解,這事太讓人傷心了。
    I know. It is a very sad time.
  2. 傷心,憂鬱意指有愁苦的情形
    To be sad , gloomy means to have a case of depression.
  3. 經歷了這么多傷心事之後她日漸憔悴了。
    After so much heartbreak she just pined away.
  4. 沙發上傳來傷心的嗚咽聲:"那我呢"
    There was a plaintive wail from the sofa: "What about me"
  5. 啜泣,哭泣由於悲傷、傷心或痛苦而啜泣或流淚;哭泣
    To sob or shed tears because of grief, sorrow, or pain; weep.
  6. 想到他的離去,她就覺得傷心
    She saddened at the thought of his departure.
  7. 蘇珊退還約翰戒指時,他很傷心
    John was badly cut up when Susan gave him back his ring.
  8. 傷心得精神錯亂了。
    He was out of his mind with grief.
