contest; game; match; surpass例句:
- 他以兩桿的成績贏得了這場高爾夫球賽。He won the golf match by two shots.
- 必須對那些專在足球比賽時打架的社會渣滓嚴加懲處!These scum who fight at the football matches must be severely dealt with!
- 這次網球賽的優勝者是誰?Who's the winner of the tennis match?
- 他們試圖預測這場足球比賽的結果。They tried to forecast the result of the football match.
- 由於下雨,取消了比賽。Owing to the rain, the match was cancelled.
- 在這場足球賽中,他主罰,踢進了一個球。He kicked a penalty goal in the football match.
- 我們隊贏得了足球賽。Our team has won the football match.
- 這次比賽中真正的英雄是我們的守門員。The real hero of the match was our goalkeeper.
賽的意思 賽 (賽) à 比勝負,比好壞,競爭:比賽。競賽。賽場。 勝似,比得過:一個賽一個,都不一般。 好似,比得上:簡直賽真的。 舊時祭祀酬報神恩的迷信活動:賽神。賽會。賽社。 筆畫數:; 部首:貝; 筆

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- 賽的英文翻譯

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