字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>如魚得水的英文翻譯 “如魚得水”的日文翻譯


拼音:rú yú de shuǐ


feel just like a fish in water; like a duck to water; like a fish out of water


像魚得到水一樣。比喻得到跟自己最相投合的人或最合適的環境。也比喻有所依靠幸得先生... >>查看“如魚得水”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 安,她很美,她實在想要那件大衣。所以我跟她講了一個條件。如果她讓我請她吃飯,我就送給她。我們馬上一拍即合。那晚我們如魚得水。我們計畫明年四月結婚。
    She was beautiful, Ann, and she really wanted that coat, so I made her a deal. She could have it if she would let me take her to dinner. We hit it off right away and I knew that night we were perfect for each other. We plan to be married next April.
  2. 這樣的制度對那些有能力成功的人來說如魚得水
    Such a system is fine for those who have it in them to succeed.
  3. 它讓我如魚得水 阿甘正傳
    It made me look like a duck in water Forrest Gump
