拼音:rú jīn 英文解釋:
在這些日子裡;現在,當今如今人方為刀俎,我為魚肉,何辭為?—&mda... >>
查看“如今”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
actually 2.
atthepresentday 3.
now 例句:
- 如今人們公認這是個錯誤。
It is now generally admitted to have been (ie Most people agree and accept that it was) a mistake.
- 如今必須有高度的競爭意識才能在體育運動中取勝。
You have to be highly competitive to do well in sport nowadays.
- 如今有些年輕人穿的服裝真會把你嚇一跳。
The clothes some young people wear nowadays really make your hair curl.
- 如今,那個窮學生成了富人。
Nowadays, the poor student has become a rich man.
- 如今,銀行業面臨許多競爭。
Banking faces much competition nowadays.
- 如今,我們生活中的食品越來越五花八門了。
Nowadays, the foodstuffs in our life are more various.
- 如今,兒童常愛看電視而不愛看書。
Nowadays, children often prefer watching TV to reading.