拼音:rú cǐ 英文解釋:
herein; in this way; like this; so; such; thus; thusness
(1) ∶這樣,那樣;像指出的或提出的方式或方法這樣或那樣如此則荊吳之勢強&md... >>
查看“如此”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
thuswise 2.
thusness 3.
thus(canthi) 4.
such 5.
herein 6.
such...that 7.
likethis 8.
insuchamanner 9.
inthismanner 漢語造句:
- 玫瑰花從未如此盛開過。
The rosebush was never so flowery before.
- 我不明白你們為什麼對這件事感到如此好笑。
I fail to see why you find it so amusing.
- 你知道她為什麼對他如此冷淡嗎?
Do you know why she is so strange to him?
- 什麼事情使你看起來如此煩惱?
What are you looking so distressed for?
- 理論上是如此。
It is so in theory.
- 我蔑視如此虐待孩子的人。
I contemn the people who treat children so cruelly.
- 真奇怪,她竟然會如此粗暴無禮。
It's strange for her to be so rude.