字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>榮的英文翻譯



flourish; glory; honour


  1. 這門功課必須要得A我才能上光?em>侔瘛?
    I need an A in this course to get on the honor roll.
  2. 幸同您見面。
    I'm honored to meet you.
  3. 我寧願照顧活人的肚子,也不願以石碑的形式來照顧死者的耀。
    I'd rather take care of the stomachs of the living than (take care of) the glory of the dead in the form of stone memorials.
  4. 玷污家族譽。
    He stained the family honor.
  5. 我不配獲得這樣的譽。
    I am unworthy of such an honor.
  6. 士兵的勇敢事跡為他帶來耀和讚美
    The soldier's brave deeds brought him honor and glory.
  7. 我認為能被邀請參加晚宴是很大的幸。
    I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner.
  8. 他在那場戰鬥中的英勇事跡為他贏得了永恆的譽。
    His brave deeds in the battle earned him everlasting glory.


榮的意思 榮 (榮) ó 草木茂盛,引申為興盛:榮枯(草木盛衰,喻得意失意)。榮悴(榮枯)。 受人敬重,與“辱”相對:光榮。榮升。榮譽。 “梧桐”的別稱。 草開花,亦泛指草木的花:綠葉素榮。榮華。 姓。 枯恥辱
